Issue Position: Education

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2012
Issues: Education

The cornerstone of a brighter future for our state rests on quality schools and affordable higher education.

In order to be able to compete in the global economy, Missouri kids must be able to get a grasp on the basics and then have the chance to take their education as far as their talent and ambition will allow.

Rural schools, suburban schools and urban school all have their unique needs and challenges. However, the recent economic slump has placed a strain on schools across the state. But even in tough times--particularly in tough times--we have to maintain our commitment to Missouri's kids to provide them with quality schools and the chance to learn and grow as people and as citizens.

The challenges facing schools around the state aren't exactly the same and the way to address those challenges won't be identical either. That's why Judy has always championed innovation in education.

During her tenure in the legislature, she proposed a tax credit program that would have funded School Intervention and Reform Grants (SIRG) to schools across Missouri. Schools could have applied for grants to address the unique challenges they face in their community. Those grants would have been awarded to applicants that demonstrated they were pursuing evidence-based interventions with a track record of success in other places.

And living in a university town like Columbia has given Judy a special appreciation for the role that Missouri's colleges and universities play in our economic future--and in enriching Missouri's cultural life.

As Lt. Governor, Judy would be a champion for Missouri schools, colleges and universities.
